Tuesday, March 16, 2010

toothies (the friendly tooth monsters)

since my nieces live so far away in the land of potatoes, i am always looking for ways to be close to them in hopes that they don't forget their "ya-ya." in recent weeks, caelan and riley have started the tooth-losing process of growing up (it is strange to think that they are now kids instead of babies). i came up with this idea that would make the tooth fairy excited to visit...friendly tooth monsters called "toothies." the girls can put their tooth in the pocket and the tooth fairy can exchange it with money in the belly pocket of the toothie. i am just crazy over the idea and the final result. in fact, before i even had a chance to send louski and raerae their toothies, i made my first international sale with one of the toothies on my etsy shop! the girls will soon receive their toothies and hopefully they love them just as much as i do.

all toothies are made of upcyled materials. many more will be added in the coming days as i have created a bunch of toothies, each with their own character and personality.

black apple doll for haylee.

besides the art for haylee, i wanted to make an attempt at "the black apple" doll pattern. i have seen the black apple dolls on etsy and watched her appearance on martha stewart. i am very happy with the final result. hopefully this little doll gets lots of love from her new friend. (if you are interested in "the black apple" shop, go to www.theblackapple.etsy.com.

make room for haylee.

my dear friend jolie has just given birth to a very sweet little girl, haylee. of course, i was over the moon to help her decorate the nursery. jolie picked a polka dot quilt that was the jumping off point for the artwork. we bought loads of canvases and painted circles on each of them to coordinate with the bedding. this labor of love (no pun intended) continued by painting each letter of the alphabet on each of the canvases in varying fonts. we also painted a larger canvas with tons of circles in which we painted her name in the coordinating fonts. i just LOVE the final result. glad we finished just in time for her arrival. (tia elena could not be happier for haylee to finally be here!)

Monday, October 5, 2009

new items for sale!

i have a few new items for sale on etsy! i have been busy with new creations for the shop! i am posting more throughout the week, so check out my etsy site: www.sweetbirds.etsy.com. i also have some clutches that i have been working on and hope to have done within the next few weeks (if all goes well). happy shopping!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

it has been weeks since i have posted anything new...my apologies. i suppose i have been caught up in my day job. if only art paid all the bills. =) i promise, i have been sketching and the wheels in my head are quickly at work awaiting for summer to shine through. there are birds, creatures, and all kinds of other little pieces of whimsy waiting for the paint to meet paper. my little sweetbirds need to be revived. it would do much good for my soul...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


my latest piece is this eagle. it was done for an Eagle Scout. i have other pieces in the works as many have been patiently waiting. i promise, i am working away, especially for all the new little babies that have arrived recently...thanks for waiting.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


it is a new year and a fresh start. i am happy to say that i am continuing to create and to sell. i hope that as the year unfolds, my business will expand and explore new opportunities. may this be a year of fresh beginnings, fond memories, and future adventures. HAPPY 2009 to all!